`sin^2x + cos^2x = 1`
`y = frac (-b +- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) (2a)`
`(x + 2)^2 + (y - 3)^2 = 16`
`slope = m = frac (\text(change in y)) (\text(change in x)) = frac (Deltay) (Deltax)`

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SAT Fact

SAT Fact

Here's an SAT fact.


What will you get from me for your money?

I have developed a process that allows you to uniquely divide the SAT Math questions, specifically for your math situation, into three categories.

  1. Questions that you are very likley to and should answer correctly
  2. Questions that you have a decent chance of answering correctly
  3. Questions that you are very likely not to answer correctly

This categorization allows the student to focus their test preparation in the most efficient manner possible and to increase their chance of obtaining their highest possible score, which is obtained by pushing as many as possible of the 54 test questions into that likely category.

You will get the best math instruction you can find anywhere. You will get my expertise with the math SAT which is built on my having studied the test structure and test questions for years, as well as my experience over those years helping students raise their SAT math scores.

I will give the student a true understanding of the math portion of the SAT, how it is scored, and how best to use this information to achieve their highest possible score. I will develop for you a written test preparation plan designed specifically for your situation and a test taking strategy so that you can achieve your highest possible score. I will clearly communicate the plan and direct its implementation as well as your strategy during the test.